Looking for a natural way to control the most of your type 2 diabetes High blood sugar levels damage the long-term blood vessels and will be accompanied by numerous and serious complications affecting different organs of the body.
Relying solely on drugs is not the best solution to treat non-insulin dependent diabetes even if they are sometimes indispensable. Good eating habits can be corrected to a large extent a high tendency to blood sugar.
The trick is knowing which foods and vegetables that are allies of diabetes. There is fortunately a lot. We will mention five that are recognized as having excellent anti-diabetic properties.
A patient with diabetes must absolutely learn to identify the carbohydrates in foods and sugars in food to be able to compose his menus and fully control his diabetes. Moreover, a beneficial diet for diabetics includes foods rich in fiber. Did you eat? Before listing the five allies foods for diabetics we will give you a simple and brief definition of fast and slow sugars.
Definition of fast and slow sugars
It is not the chemical formula or molecular structure of a sugar that determines whether it is fast or slow. Until now many people think wrongly that a complex chemical structure of sugar is a slow sugar. This has nothing to do with !
A simple example: Rice is composed of polysaccharides (a macromolecule) which are equivalent to structure complex sugars. Some say 'Ah! Complex sugars = slow sugars. '' And it is entirely false! The rice is part of foods containing sugars that raise blood sugar quickly! Know that rice has a glycemic index of 90 (glucose, a fast sugar, the glycemic index has reference and given the value of 100)!
It is not the taste of the food making it a fast or slow sugar! Some say 'Ah! This food has a sweet taste, so it is fast, it does not, it is surely slow. Take the example of rice. What taste he has? Sweet? No, and yet it consists of simple sugars!
Definition of Fiber
Dietary fibers are defined as sugars or carbohydrates that are not digested in the small intestine and which are degraded in the colon by the intestinal flora resulting in fermentations. Dietary fiber is also the great allies of diabetics in that it allows food to be absorbed more slowly which prevents too high a glycemic peak.
5 Best Foods to Keep In a Diabetic Diet
1) The green beans.
The green beans are rich in fiber and protein with a fairly good amount of sugars both complex and slow. The glycemic index is 30. Dieticians highly recommend diabetics to eat green beans to lower blood sugar.
2) Brussels sprouts.
A cup of Brussels sprouts contains more than 4 grams of fiber. Brussels sprouts contains significant amount of alpha lipoic acid (ALA) or thioctic acid, a powerful antioxidant sulfur able in some studies to lower the level of sugar in the blood by playing an important role in energy production . In the United States Burt Berkson Dr (a pioneer in research on alpha lipoic acid since 1977), the recommendations is for the treatment of type II diabetes or non-insulin dependent diabetes.
3) onion.
The raw onion is beneficial for diabetics. It helps reduce the level of glucose in the blood. It has been found that certain substances could be dubbed antidiabetic. For example, allyl propyl disulfide and present in the garlic has the property to increase the amount of free insulin available. In turn, insulin will introduce 'glucose receptor muscles and tissues where glucose is necessary and therefore decrease the blood glucose.
4) lettuce.
Lettuce has 3 advantages. First, it is high in fiber (15 to 30% depending on the variety of lettuce). Romaine and leaf lettuce are those that contain the most. Second, lettuce helps to lower blood cholesterol levels and helps diabetics to prevent risk of cardiovascular disease. Third, lettuce contains only 3% of carbohydrates. It is an ideal food for all people with type II diabetes or non-insulin dependent (NIDDM).
5) Tomatoes.
The tomato is a fruit that has the advantage of containing a fairly good amount of chromium (5 mcg per 100 g). Chromium (Cr 3+) is an essential trace element that plays a fundamental role in the metabolism of glucose and fats. You should know that the pancreas of type II diabetes as the case may produce enough insulin but it is a resistance to insulin action on the part of cells which prevents proper use of glucose in tissues and causes hyperglycemia. According to some studies, chromium increases the number of insulin receptors and also potentiates its action. Chromium therefore improves glycemic control.
Relying solely on drugs is not the best solution to treat non-insulin dependent diabetes even if they are sometimes indispensable. Good eating habits can be corrected to a large extent a high tendency to blood sugar.
The trick is knowing which foods and vegetables that are allies of diabetes. There is fortunately a lot. We will mention five that are recognized as having excellent anti-diabetic properties.
A patient with diabetes must absolutely learn to identify the carbohydrates in foods and sugars in food to be able to compose his menus and fully control his diabetes. Moreover, a beneficial diet for diabetics includes foods rich in fiber. Did you eat? Before listing the five allies foods for diabetics we will give you a simple and brief definition of fast and slow sugars.
Definition of fast and slow sugars
It is not the chemical formula or molecular structure of a sugar that determines whether it is fast or slow. Until now many people think wrongly that a complex chemical structure of sugar is a slow sugar. This has nothing to do with !
A simple example: Rice is composed of polysaccharides (a macromolecule) which are equivalent to structure complex sugars. Some say 'Ah! Complex sugars = slow sugars. '' And it is entirely false! The rice is part of foods containing sugars that raise blood sugar quickly! Know that rice has a glycemic index of 90 (glucose, a fast sugar, the glycemic index has reference and given the value of 100)!
It is not the taste of the food making it a fast or slow sugar! Some say 'Ah! This food has a sweet taste, so it is fast, it does not, it is surely slow. Take the example of rice. What taste he has? Sweet? No, and yet it consists of simple sugars!
Definition of Fiber
Dietary fibers are defined as sugars or carbohydrates that are not digested in the small intestine and which are degraded in the colon by the intestinal flora resulting in fermentations. Dietary fiber is also the great allies of diabetics in that it allows food to be absorbed more slowly which prevents too high a glycemic peak.
5 Best Foods to Keep In a Diabetic Diet
1) The green beans.
The green beans are rich in fiber and protein with a fairly good amount of sugars both complex and slow. The glycemic index is 30. Dieticians highly recommend diabetics to eat green beans to lower blood sugar.
2) Brussels sprouts.
A cup of Brussels sprouts contains more than 4 grams of fiber. Brussels sprouts contains significant amount of alpha lipoic acid (ALA) or thioctic acid, a powerful antioxidant sulfur able in some studies to lower the level of sugar in the blood by playing an important role in energy production . In the United States Burt Berkson Dr (a pioneer in research on alpha lipoic acid since 1977), the recommendations is for the treatment of type II diabetes or non-insulin dependent diabetes.
3) onion.
The raw onion is beneficial for diabetics. It helps reduce the level of glucose in the blood. It has been found that certain substances could be dubbed antidiabetic. For example, allyl propyl disulfide and present in the garlic has the property to increase the amount of free insulin available. In turn, insulin will introduce 'glucose receptor muscles and tissues where glucose is necessary and therefore decrease the blood glucose.
4) lettuce.
Lettuce has 3 advantages. First, it is high in fiber (15 to 30% depending on the variety of lettuce). Romaine and leaf lettuce are those that contain the most. Second, lettuce helps to lower blood cholesterol levels and helps diabetics to prevent risk of cardiovascular disease. Third, lettuce contains only 3% of carbohydrates. It is an ideal food for all people with type II diabetes or non-insulin dependent (NIDDM).
5) Tomatoes.
The tomato is a fruit that has the advantage of containing a fairly good amount of chromium (5 mcg per 100 g). Chromium (Cr 3+) is an essential trace element that plays a fundamental role in the metabolism of glucose and fats. You should know that the pancreas of type II diabetes as the case may produce enough insulin but it is a resistance to insulin action on the part of cells which prevents proper use of glucose in tissues and causes hyperglycemia. According to some studies, chromium increases the number of insulin receptors and also potentiates its action. Chromium therefore improves glycemic control.