If you have diabetes information about how to manage your condition is essential to your well being.
If you do not take care of your feet you run the risk of developing sores or infections that could, in a worst case scenario, lead to amputations. As happened to the father-in-law. Reducing the risk of infection or amputation by incorporating 7 foot care tips ...
1) Check your feet daily - especially if you have a low sensitivity or no feeling in your feet. Wounds, cuts and grazes could go unnoticed and you could develop problems leading to amputation.
2) Do not go around barefoot, even indoors. It's easy to tread on something or stub your toes and cut yourself. Protect your feet with socks / stockings and
3) must be careful if you have a corn or calluses. Check with your doctor or podiatrist the best way to care for them.
4) wash your feet every day in warm, not hot water. And do not soak your feet (even if you've been standing all day) because it can dry your skin and form cracks or sores.
5) take care to dry your feet completely, especially between the toes. These are natural moisture traps - leaving them damp or wet could create all kinds of problems.
6) exercise your feet and legs regularly. Even when sitting you can rotate your ankles; wiggle a finger or move your legs up and down. This all keep blood circulation flowing and helps to minimize the risk of foot problems.
7) Get your feet professionally checked, at least once a year, the sensitivity and the signs of a problem. You can usually arrange this when you have your annual checkup AC1 levels (blood glucose levels over a period of 3 months), blood pressure and cholesterol.
Taking constant care of your feet. Getting help from family or professional; Doctor, diabetes nurse or podiatrist if you are not able to bend when trimming nails or checking for sores. Taking these simple actions will help you reduce the risk of painful problems.