With only change or include a few simple steps in your daily routine can make a big difference in the appearance of your eyes. I have followed these tips and the results have been remarkable.
Tips to remove the pouch under your eyes:
• Before retiring for the night, be sure to wash your face with SOAP and water or a special makeup remover to remove your eye makeup. Left eye shadow and mascara on overnight can cause the eyes to water and can cause the case the morning after swelling.
• If you are asleep on the side or stomach, try switching to your sleep behind you. Add an extra pillow under your head to help with the gravity that causes fluids to accumulate under your eyes and make the bag.
• Reduce the amount of salt in your diet. The area around your eyes is a prime candidate for water that finds its way from another part of your body that is low in sodium. Have a high food with high salt content will show the next day under your eyes.
• Limit your alcohol consumption. An occasional glass of wine is okay but if you plan to tie one on drinking water and be sure to apply a moisturizer before you go to bed. Alcohol can actually pull water from your skin and undermine the smooth area around your eyes left them with a concave appearance.
• For those of you who are bothered by allergies, puffy eyes watery. Most of the drug over-the-counter that you take to your allergies may itchy and running nose drying out can also dry out the puffy eyes. This is not to say that you should use this product if you don't have an allergy to eliminate puffy eyes you.
• Smoking can dry out and weaken the skin on your face. This includes your eyes that may seem gloomy and creased.
• When out in the Sun to protect your body from the Sun, this includes your eyes. UV rays can make the skin around your eyes SAG or wrinkle. Wearing sunglasses and a hat and use sunscreen to protect your face from the harmful rays.
• There are many eye creams on the market today that can help reduce puffy eyes. Try a few to see which one is best for you. However, do not believe the myth of using hemorrhoid cream to lighten the bags under your eyes may actually irritate the skin around your eyes.
• Use cold compresses can reduce eye pouch. You can also use tea bags or cucumber slices refrigerated. The idea here is the low temperature does not help with puffy eyes.
• Last, use a concealer if you have dark circles under your eyes. Select the one that matches your skin tone and apply it with a light patting on, avoid rubbing it in.
Tips to remove the pouch under your eyes:
• Before retiring for the night, be sure to wash your face with SOAP and water or a special makeup remover to remove your eye makeup. Left eye shadow and mascara on overnight can cause the eyes to water and can cause the case the morning after swelling.
• If you are asleep on the side or stomach, try switching to your sleep behind you. Add an extra pillow under your head to help with the gravity that causes fluids to accumulate under your eyes and make the bag.
• Reduce the amount of salt in your diet. The area around your eyes is a prime candidate for water that finds its way from another part of your body that is low in sodium. Have a high food with high salt content will show the next day under your eyes.
• Limit your alcohol consumption. An occasional glass of wine is okay but if you plan to tie one on drinking water and be sure to apply a moisturizer before you go to bed. Alcohol can actually pull water from your skin and undermine the smooth area around your eyes left them with a concave appearance.
• For those of you who are bothered by allergies, puffy eyes watery. Most of the drug over-the-counter that you take to your allergies may itchy and running nose drying out can also dry out the puffy eyes. This is not to say that you should use this product if you don't have an allergy to eliminate puffy eyes you.
• Smoking can dry out and weaken the skin on your face. This includes your eyes that may seem gloomy and creased.
• When out in the Sun to protect your body from the Sun, this includes your eyes. UV rays can make the skin around your eyes SAG or wrinkle. Wearing sunglasses and a hat and use sunscreen to protect your face from the harmful rays.
• There are many eye creams on the market today that can help reduce puffy eyes. Try a few to see which one is best for you. However, do not believe the myth of using hemorrhoid cream to lighten the bags under your eyes may actually irritate the skin around your eyes.
• Use cold compresses can reduce eye pouch. You can also use tea bags or cucumber slices refrigerated. The idea here is the low temperature does not help with puffy eyes.
• Last, use a concealer if you have dark circles under your eyes. Select the one that matches your skin tone and apply it with a light patting on, avoid rubbing it in.