Surely when the women walked the Decade of our twenty years have so
manyprojects, personal and professional, that or we think the passage of time, and theaging of our bodies and our skin. We
are still so young!
However, practitioners of the skin, ensure that since 25 years, our skin begins to showits first signs of aging: opacity, uneven tones or spots, dark
circles sporadic but morevisible, loss of elasticity and firmness, mostly visible because they
are more dilated.
But do
not despair! The dermatologist Farina Modi explains that you one of the firstmeasures anti age that women must take is the daily care of the skin, in conjunctionwith a balanced diet.
The expert in skin, Kalpana Sarangi, Member of the staff of the Olay brand, advisedthat one of the best skin care is the application of facial moisturizer, it
is able tocombat and minimize the effects of the first signs of skin aging.
Specialists remember that the attempt
to conceal the aging of the skin under the useof make-up is useless, because their results last only a couple of hours and does
notcontribute at all to improve the appearance and health of the skin of our face.
The best treatment is regular cleaning, toning and moisturizing.
The first signs of aging
are the result of stress, lack of sleep or prolonged exposure to the Sun. For anyof these reasons, the skin under the eyes becomes thinner, and therefore begin tovisualize dark spots there. Then, you
must use on a daily basis a decongestant or
refreshing gel for the eye area. You
can also take a look at the homemade tips for
dark circles.
Fine lines and wrinkles
The fibers of collagen and elastin, which are located under the dermis, begin todissolve with the passage of the years. This leads to the generation of fine lines orfine lines, and wrinkles. The remedy? Use cream with vitamin A or Retinol.
Loss of elasticity
For the loss of tonicity, firmness and elasticity, the skin of the face begins to fall or
"hang". To fight this problem, use serum anti-âge daily application.
Visible pores
This problem is characteristic of women with oily or mixed skin. To minimize dilatedpores, you
must use gels/cleansing cream (foamy, creamy, or dense) that are anti-âge, and complemented with the use of facial tonic after the step by step skincleaning.
Spots or uneven tones
His appearance may occur due to hormonal disorders, but also by constant andprolonged exposure to the Sun. In this case, recommended is to use corrective colorof skin creams, complementing with
Sera anti-aging.
Therefore, if you
are in your 25 or you've just passed them, it is time to think in caring
for your skin. If you have already done so, how were your results?