How to Fast Fix Sensitive Teeth

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Countless people suffer from the discomfort of sensitive teeth. Sensitive teeth can be caused by many things, including receding gums, abrasion toothbrush and gum disease. Fortunately, there are some ways to fix the sensitive teeth, at least temporarily. From special mouthwashes for an emergency trip to the dentist, you can improve your dental health and the comfort level by combating sensitive teeth.

How to Fast Fix Sensitive Teeth

1 Buy an electric toothbrush. This can help remove plaque more effectively and carefully washed with a traditional manual toothbrush, which can be too hard on the gums. If you cannot buy an electric toothbrush, try a soft toothbrush to clean your teeth without damaging tooth enamel. Gentle brushing actually does rather than a rough scrub teeth and gums.

2 Investing in a fluoride rinse and use it at least once a day. These are available over-the-counter at your local grocery store. For those with moderate caries, a fluoride rinse clean teeth, freshen breath, and strengthen teeth against sensitivity. If you still have significantly sensitive teeth after using the rinse for a few weeks, consider contacting your dentist for a prescription rinse stronger.

3 brush with a desensitizing toothpaste. These often contain special ingredients that separate the sensations you feel from the nerve in your gums. You have to use this at least a week or two before noticing results. If you are unable to reduce or stop the sensitivity toothpaste, your dentist can apply a special gel.

4 Keep a diary of the foods you eat every day, and try to find a connection between what you eat and your level of sensitivity. Some foods that are acidic or particularly cold or frozen fruit can cause tooth sensitivity. Remove all foods that seem to produce a pattern of tooth sensitivity.

Tips & Warnings

If you still struggle with the pain or discomfort, bring this magazine in your dentist's office and discuss professional solutions as binding agents or a root canal.