You Should Know About The Cracked Tooth

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Cracks in the teeth tend to be quite small; There are two types: one in which the tooth is actually the party and it can be very painful, and the other, in which the fracture is in the enamel, and has the appearance of a crack but not hurt, since it found only in the outer layer of the tooth enamel. Sudden temperature changes can cause these very fine chipped teeth, which are very easy to rematerialize and do not pose a dental health problem that requires surgery.

You Should Know About The Cracked Tooth

Possible appearance of a tooth Cracked
What Causes Tooth cracking?

Deep tooth fractures that go beyond the first layer, enamel, and leading into the dentin can make you feel as if your face was on fire. This occurs because the nerve is sending a painful sign that something is wrong with the tooth. The teeth undergo much pressure during chewing of food, and also the grinding by. If this pressure is irregular, or too much, the tooth will become weak in structure. Imagine a building that needs repair. A healthy diet as described in Cure Tooth Decay allows the tooth to heal, is restored and strengthened. If your teeth suffer too much stress will appear slowly a crack. Only treatment with a healthy diet can prevent and cure it.

Crowns that are not properly placed can cause an irregular bite, which in turn causes an extra stress on some teeth, causing it to weaken and end up cracking.

Another reason for cracked teeth is mercury fillings, which are not attached to the tooth, and leave it weak and traumatized. The tooth with a filling of mercury is almost like a hollow tooth. The bite pressure may be excessive in some parts of the tooth, depending on the shape of the filling. Over time, the bite pressure can destroy the tooth through a crack.

Under another picture of a cracked tooth is shown. This is the top of a molar that has been cut. The arrow indicates a painful crack.

What can you do with a cracked tooth?

Actually it depends on whether it is a real crack or a small fracture of the enamel. If the dentist has told you that you have a crack in the tooth, but it does not hurt, it is possible that you have been wrong to get you more money diagnosis and all you have is a broken nail does not require any treatment. This misdiagnosis is often given, especially if you have a safe dental.

If the tooth hurts to bite pressure, you may have a real crack. Not much I can do a dentist as a cracked tooth to keep it going. The best option for a crack that is not very painful is to acquire a night guard that is comfortable, as a moldable mouthpiece of the type used by sportsmen. A night guard reduces the force of the bite at night and offers the ability to heal. The dentist may try to blot out the tooth to reduce the pressure of the bite, which is a bad idea since the scrape can increase stress inflicted on the tooth. The bite can usually be adjusted by small tooth reconstructions carried out by an expert dentist. Increase r the height of the bite, rather than reduce, it helps regulate a bad bite caused a crack in the tooth.

To treat a larger and painful rift, the dentist will want to make a crown complete or miniature tooth. Basically, this is to empty the entire tooth drill until the crack disappears and put a crown on top. The perfect solution would seal the crack with a dental adhesive material, but I'm not sure you can do.

Were treatments of Conduct for Teeth Cracked?

Just because a tooth has a crack does not mean that the punishment he deserves a root canal. A root canal removes the top and the nerve of the tooth, and replaced by a synthetic material. I do not see how this can enhance a cracked tooth. If the tooth is badly infected and the crack is so great that it cannot be repaired, then whether it will be a good candidate for a root canal. Otherwise, prevents them do a root canal on a cracked tooth.

Small cracks in the teeth can rematerialize by a change in diet. It is possible that larger cracks cannot rematerialize because it is very difficult to isolate the tooth so it can heal completely. Large cracks are also indications of major dietary mistakes or serious health problems. Or a symptom of poor and toxic dentistry.